Civics 6


Learning about civics gives students the skills and knowledge necessary to be active citizens who have a positive impact on their communities. In this course, students discover the rights and responsibilities of citizenship in the United States. They learn about the structure of the government and how it works at the local, state, and federal levels. This course examines elections, the lawmaking process, and how citizens can impact public policy. Students also discover ways the United States interacts with countries around the world. Geography and economics support the learning of civics in this course. Engaging in this study prepares students to be informed citizens who are ready to participate in the American democracy! 

Major Topics and Concepts

Module 1: Citizenship

Citizenship Introduction
How Do We Define the United States?
What Is Culture?
What Can Maps Tell Us?
How Are Citizenship and Ecology Connected?
What Is a U.S. Citizen?
What Is Effective Citizenship?
Who Shows Great Citizenship? 

Module 2: Foundations

Who Influenced the Founding Fathers?
Which Important Documents Influenced America?
Why Is the Declaration of Independence Important?
What Is the Intent of the Constitution?
How Do the Branches of Government Work?
How Are the Powers Balanced?
How Are Rights Protected?
How Can the Constitution Change?
What Should Be the Next Amendment? 

Module 3: Sharing Power

What Is Federalism?
How Are States Governed?
What Is Rule of Law?
How Are Laws Made?
Does Lawmaking Shape Society?
How Do the Courts Work?
How Does a Jury Trial Ensure Justice?
How Can We Solve Local Problems?

Module 4: Active Citizens

How Do Citizen Perspectives Differ?
What Is Judicial Review?
How Can Art Inspire Action? 
What Are the Rights of the Accused?
What Are the Rights of Speech?
How Can We Influence Government?
How Do Elections Impact Society?
What Are Demographics?

Module 5: American Money

How Does Scarcity Affect Us?
What Are Incentives?
What Is the Role of Competition?
How Does Banking Work?
Why Should We Pay Taxes?
What Are the Priorities? 
How Does Borrowing Money Affect Us?

Module 6: Going Global

How Do Other Nations Govern?
How Does Geography Affect Society?
Why Should Nations Diversify?
What's New in the World? 
What Are National Policies?
How Does Currency Affect Trade?